Supporting communities to bring about change and shape their neighbourhoods
We are experts in community engagement. We work with and support communities so that they have a real say in what happens in their neighbourhoods.
We provide training and project delivery support so that communities can use Planning for Real® and our other techniques to develop and run programmes of community-led engagement. The ethos underpinning all our methods is that they are highly visual, tactile, participatory and community-led.
With an unrivalled 25 year track record we have designed and facilitated community engagement programmes on diverse scales and issues.
Items of interest
Areas we work in
Housing, regeneration, transport, pre-planning applications, education, service provision.
PFR training
Looking to develop your community engagement skills? Find out about our two day PFR training course.
Neighbourhood Planning
We can help community groups to develop a neighbourhood plan for their area.
How we can help
For local authorities, housing providers, community groups and more, our offer explained.
Our techniques
A wide variety of innovative and hands-on techniques for community engagement.
Partnership working
We can deliver the community engagement element for bids and tenders.