PFR features in new ‘Guide to neighbourhood planning’

The Localism Act came into effect in April 2012 introducing new rights and powers to allow local communities to shape new development by coming together to prepare neighbourhood plans. Local people will have a major statutory say in helping to shape development in the areas in which they live.

There are already over 200 neighbourhood planning front runner projects that are helping local communities, local authorities and the government gain insight into how neighbourhood planning is working in practice. Under this scheme, a grant of up to £20,000 has been made available towards the cost of each project.

CPRE and NALC’s have recently published a ‘Guide to neighbourhood planning’ which includes as a top tip – using ‘Planning for Real’ in order to bring issues to life for local people. Written in December 2011, the guide focuses on the role of neighbourhood plans and their purpose. You can download the pocket guide from the CPRE website, and our mention comes on page 28 where it says:

“when gathering views on issues, ask people to try and be as specific as possible, giving examples of what they mean. Using techniques such as those demonstrated by the community planning tool Planning for Real® can help to bring issues ‘alive’ for local people”.

There are two more pocket guides in the series, all aimed at making local planning accessible. They are ‘How to respond to planning applications: an 8-step guide’ and ‘Planning Explained’, an introduction to the planning system explaining why it is important if you want to help decide the future of your community.

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