Planning for Real in Italy

At the end of November Planning for Real consultant Gill Hutchinson visited Italy as part of our Leonardo Planning for Real project.

Planning for Real in Italy - 3D ModelOur Italian partners are Euro Innovanet, a research and consultancy organisation based in Rome. Gill was supporting Marco, Mirella and Giovanni, the three Italian representatives who attended Planning for Real training in Birmingham in June this year to facilitate a two day training workshop for a group of local facilitators in Rome.

PFR mentor Gill Hutchinson in Rome for PFR workshopThis group will play an active role in running the Italian real-life Planning for Real project which will focus on the redevelopment of a public square. The square which has been chosen is not currently widely used by local people and the project aims for the redesign of the garden area to make it more attractive and easy to maintain. Using Planning for Real tool and techniques for community engagement, local residents will be invited to have their say and to get involved in the redevelopment of the square.

Gill will offer our Italian partners ongoing mentoring support as they finalise their delivery plan for their real-life project.

To find out more please visit the Leonardo Planning for Real project website

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