An innovative approach to service reform

As an organisation we are most well known for our exclusive Planning for Real® model. But that’s not all that we do. Although we are renowned for our work around neighbourhood action planning and regeneration, we are also working more and more on service provision and reform. The tools that we use and our inclusive and interactive approach lend themselves perfectly to working with organisations as well as communities to look at reforming the delivery of services.

We have recently completed a service reconfiguration project for The Accord Group on their repairs service. The aim of this analysis was to develop recommendations for service reform which would lead to improved performance outcomes and increased customer satisfaction. You can find out more about this piece of work on our Projects page.

We have 25 years of experience of designing and using tools to work through the issues involved in reforming the approach to delivery on key concerns for neighbourhoods, communities and individuals. For this project we built on our experience and incorporated the tools that we use to develop a framework to help organisations consider and analyse their internal and external operations and develop service reform proposals.

If you would like to find out more about our service reform work please contact us at

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