With a 25 year track record and a national remit, we have designed and facilitated community engagement programmes on diverse scales and issues. We have a reputation for reaching and gathering views from all sections of communities, including those whose voice is rarely heard.
Local authorities, housing providers and community groups commission us to design and run programmes of community engagement. We offer a range of techniques all of which are visual, tactile, participatory and community-led. We provide training for communities wishing to use our techniques and we can facilitate anything from a single workshop to an entire programme of community engagement.
We are most well known for our exclusive Planning for Real® model. This is a community-led planning process based on a 3D model which allows residents to register their views on a range of issues, to work together to identify priorities, and in partnership with local agencies go on to develop an action plan for change.
Our other techniques include Building Design – a visual process for involving residents in the design of new buildings and the remodelling of existing ones, ideas walls, concentric circles – a method that can be used for stakeholder mapping as well as building consensus, aspiration trees, and planning and evaluation tools.
In this section we explain in more detail our offer and how we can work with you. If you would like more details or would like to discuss your requirements, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.