Planning for Real project in Ivrea, Italy

The Planning For Real Unit delivered PfR online training  in Ivrea (Italy) as the starting point of a small-scale regeneration project of the area in front of the local intermodal centre (train and bus stations).

Working with a local cooperative (ZAC) and the local Council, the Planning For Real Unit helped a Turin-based association (LaQUP APS) train community development workers.

Fifty young people from two high schools in the neighbourhood were engaged in building a 3D model of the area and asking hundreds of schoolmates to give their views on problems and opportunities in order to turn a dull space into a vibrant area for the young.

After several PfR consultations, options were discussed in workshops and used to develop a comprehensive strategy.

The first step was to welcome people into the neighbourhood: the youths involved decided to work with a street artist and paint a colourful carpet.

The next steps include a sports area, more greenery and a gathering space.

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Housing Heroes Awards 2019

Margret Wilkinson, Head of Planning for Real, is a finalist in the Lifetime Achievement in Housing Category in the Housing Heroes Awards.  The Awards, jointly organised by Inside Housing and the Chartered Institute of Housing, recognise outstanding individduals and teams who make housing great. The ceremony will be held in Manchester on Monday, 24 June at Housing 2019.


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Planning for Real comes to Accord’s Communities Directorate

The Communities Directorate of Accord welcomed Margaret Wilkinson for a Planning for Real Session early in the year. After being introduced to lots of very effective techniques for consultation and discussing issues, the participants were rearing to head out to the patches to talk with customers.

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