Here you can read about some of the projects we have worked on. For each project we explain the approach taken and how we have adapted our techniques to meet individual project aims. We also describe the outcomes of the project and look at the longer term legacy and impact in the community.
Boldmere Futures Community Planning
Boldmere Futures Partnership, requested support from the Planning for Real Unit, to help them to run a number of Community Planning events in order to seek the views of residents… More
Pershore Town Plan
The Planning for Real Unit recently completed work on a project to develop a Town Plan for Pershore. The Unit provided support to the Steering Group, set up by the… More
Clent Way Estate Birmingham
Accord successfully bid for funding under the Government’s Estate Regeneration Fund in order to undertake a Feasibility Study into how the Clent Way Estate in Birmingham could be improved. Accord… More
Repairs Service Reconfiguration for The Accord Group
A full systems analysis of the repairs service for a major housing provider. The aim was to develop recommendations for service reform which would lead to improved performance outcomes and increased customer satisfaction. More
Parks masterplanning in Leighton Linslade
A consultation exercise for Leighton Linslade Town Council on what improvements were needed to Pages Park and Mentmore Road Memorial Gardens More
Lozells Recreation Group
The focus of this project was on improving community cohesion by bringing together young people from all ethnic backgrounds in the Lozells area of Birmingham. More
Queenborough and Rushenden masterplan
A consultation exercise on the Isle of Sheppey to ensure that local communities had their say in the future regeneration of their area More
What makes a good place?
Using digital media as a way of encouraging residents to explore their neighbourhoods, find out about place-making and get more involved in local decision making More
Micro-neighbourhood development in Bordesley Green
Planning for Real and Ashram Housing Association are piloting a new model for micro-neighbourhood development which has the potential to be trialed in other communities More
Creating a Neighbourhood Action Plan for Park Wood
Planning for Real was appointed by Maidstone Borough Council to run a community engagement process for one of the Council’s priority areas which led to the development of a neighbourhood action plan More