Other agencies

We have been working in community development, engagement and consultation since 1988. During this time we have built up a wealth of experience working with local authorities, housing associations, developers, regeneration agencies, health authorities, Government agencies and other bodies.

Pre-planning application consultation

Pre-planning application consultation for a major developer

We are most well known for our exclusive Planning for Real® process but we also have a range of other techniques for community engagement all of which are visual, participative and community-led. These include Building Design (a visual process for involving residents in the design of new buildings and the remodelling of existing ones), ideas walls, concentric circles (a method for stakeholder mapping and building consensus), aspiration trees and planning and evaluation tools.

We can also offer you support in demonstrating the social impact of your work. We have a wealth of experience in designing and running interactive stakeholder workshops which will help you build an evidence base, and we can offer support in evaluation and forecasting the social impact of specific projects or activities.

We can help you design an interactive, visual and inclusive workshop or programme of events to suit your needs. Get in touch with us to discuss your plans, we’re here to help, and what’s more, it will probably cost less than you think.