Queen Camel: a case study of involving volunteers

Back in 2012 Planning for Real worked with residents in Queen Camel, South Somerset to update their parish plan and begin the process of developing a neighbourhood plan for the area.PFR model and flags at Queen Camel

A new case study focusing on involving volunteers in neighbourhood planning has been added to the Forum for Neighbourhood Planning website. Below is an extract which explains the Planning for Real® stage of the process:

“The Queen Camel group had training in Planning for Real® and carried out a PfR exercise. They linked up with the LPA, South Somerset District Council, who produced a huge scale map of the parish stuck onto boards. This was set up at the school and model houses – designed to look exactly like the houses in Queen Camel! – were made.

The Neighbourhood Planning group volunteers were involved in various tasks for this, including:

  • Organising drop in sessions where people used coloured flags to mark for example, where they thought new housing should go
  • Analysing the results for input into the next stage of the neighbourhood planning process
  • Taking the exercise also to junior and secondary schools for pupils to have their say
  • Presenting aggregate results were presented at the annual village meeting
  • Leading a discussion at that meeting, from which possible sites for new housing and school were identified. “

You can read the whole case study on the Forum for Neighbourhood Planning website. The case study has been produced by Planning Aid England as part of the Supporting Communities in Neighbourhood Planning programme.

This article was posted in News.