The Planning for Real® process is exclusive to us and is a registered trademark of the Accord Group.
Our primary concern is always to ensure that communities receive the highest standards of service, training and delivery of Planning for Real®. This can only be achieved if Planning for Real® is used in the full and proper manner.
We train people to use Planning for Real® and it is not our intention to preclude them from using Planning for Real® on a no fee basis within their local communities. Our intention is to dissuade random and often untrained people and organisations from applying the name Planning for Real® to what is often a complete travesty of the technique.
Planning for Real® should never be used on a fee-earning basis without the express and written permission of the Accord Group. Any person exploiting Planning for Real® both infringes the Trade Marks Act 1994 (which carries criminal as well as civil penalties) and would be passing off its activities as ours. Once identified the individual person or company could be subject to legal action, both criminal and civil, initiated by the Accord Group.
Organisations wishing to run Planning for Real® events, or to describe themselves as users of a Planning for Real® approach, should first contact the Accord Group to discuss using the technique to its full effect and to obtain permission for the use of the trademark.