Planning for Real workshop in Denizli, Turkey

The second year of our Planning for Real Leonardo project involves our European partner countries delivering Planning for Real workshops in their own communities and then running real-life projects to test out and refine the methodology.PFR workshop in Denizli, Turkey

Our Planning for Real consultant, Gill Hutchinson, travelled out to Denizli, Turkey in November to join our Turkish colleagues and support them in delivering their two day Planning for Real workshop. This workshop was for a group of local facilitators to be trained in the methodology and they will then go on to support the delivery of the real-life project.PFR workshop in Denizli, Turkey

Over the coming weeks we will also be visiting partners in Italy, Poland and France as they get underway with their local facilitator training and real-life projects.

You can click on this link to read the press release from our Turkish partners, Denizli Metropolitan Municipality. Local facilitators at PFR workshop in Denizli, Turkey




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