New Homes
Approximately 230 new homes, including affordable housing, to suit all family unit sizes from studio, to 1, 2, & 3 bedroom homes. The residents will have access to a communal garden, winter gardens and balconies, and recessed roof terraces. More >
Duke of Cambridge Pub
The facade of the now derelict Duke of Cambridge Pub is being retained due to its architectural merit and will provide high spec apartments. More >
The development has been designed to be as sustainable and environmentally friendly as possible. Homes are being built to Code Level 4 for Sustainable Homes and will incorporate green and brown roofs, CHP heating and have been designed to be energy efficient.
Commercial/Business Units
9 new commercial business units will be provided at street level creating active frontages to the development. More >
New Public Space
High quality landscaping including the planting of shrubs and trees, surfacing, and seating areas will create space that is open and well used by new and existing residents. More >
Play provision
A new children’s play area is proposed, which would be accessible to existing and new residents.
New Pedestrian Routes
New and well lit pedestrian routes will be provided around and through the development creating links between Clare Street, Cambridge Crescent and Hackney Road.
Disabled parking
The development will be virtually “car free” with provision within the development only being made for 24 disabled parking spaces. To encourage cycle use, approximately 250+ cycle parking spaces have been provided.