A new opportunity to be trained in Planning for Real®

From June 2013 we will be running two-day training courses on Planning for Real®. These will provide a fantastic opportunity for individuals to receive intensive training as part of a small group on the renowned Planning for Real® process. Planning for Real® is trademarked and only people who have had official Planning for Real® training are able to go on and use the technique with communities.

  • Planning for Real training April 2013Learn how to plan and facilitate your own Planning for Real® programme of community engagement
  • Small group size, hands-on training covering every aspect of the renowned community planning process – from stakeholder engagement and 3D model making through to prioritisation and action planning
  • A perfect tool for engaging with communities on: neighbourhood planning, community-led action planning, masterplanning, service reform, estate regeneration and Big Local projects.
  • Empower the communities you work with to establish their own needs and solutions, rather than having these imposed by others
  • 12- 13 June in Birmingham, £400 plus VAT (excluding accommodation) with other dates and locations soon to be announced.

You can download our training flyer and there are full details including the programme and booking form on the training section of our website. For any further information please call us on 0121 568 7070 or email us at info@planningforreal.org.uk.

This article was posted in News.