Time for Real, Walsall’s first ever time bank which offers local people a unique way of volunteering in their neighbourhoods, was launched on 10 May 2012

PFR's Margaret Wilkinson and a local resident at the Time for Real launch event
The innovative time bank, which is part funded through Walsall South Area Partnership and will be run by Caldmoreaccord Housing Association, will support local people to donate their time to help others in their community. Unlike traditional volunteering, participants will ‘earn’ time credits for donating skills such as DIY, gardening and cooking, which they can then ‘cash in’ when they need help.
There are approximately 250 time banks across the UK, although Time for Real will be the first to be run in Walsall, serving all four wards in the south of the borough. The new Village Hub facility aims to give people a platform from which they can influence and shape local services. It will be used by local agencies and professionals to deliver advice and guidance workshops on all matters relating to training and volunteering. It will also be used as an exhibition space for showcasing local talent.
As part of the launch event there was a Planning for Real (PFR) model (made by local school children) where local people were invited to express their opinions on topics such as local service provision, work, education and training opportunities, health provision, traffic and transport, crime and safety and the environment. The issues raised through this PFR exercise will feed into a larger consultation project and be shared with agencies involved in the area partnership for Walsall South. Decisions and actions resulting from this will be available to see at the Village Hub.
Margot Lambert, Director for Communities and Arts for Caldmoreaccord Housing Association, said: “We are delighted to be opening Walsall’s first ever time bank which will offer a unique way of volunteering, where members are rewarded for giving up their time to help others in their community.
“The Time for Real time bank is open to everyone and members will receive support every step of the way to trade skills with others.
“We believe that this kind of volunteering can really change the lives of both volunteers and those receiving the services, creating more cohesive and sustainable communities.”
To find out more about Time for Real, contact Phillip Gaw at phillip.gaw@accordgroup.org.uk.